Pwn Panda

Robin Lunde

Security Engineer - Developer

I am a social, determined and reliable person with various leadership experience. I love new challenges and expanding my horizons. I believe a wide platform of knowledge is important for continuous personal growth.

Computer Security
  • Web security
  • Mobile app security
  • Source code review
  • Penetration testing
  • Bug bounty operations
  • Risk assessment

Software Development

Experience using many different programming languages and stacks. My strongest languages and frameworks are:

  • Python
    • Django
  • NodeJS
    • Electron
  • JAVA
    • Spring
  • C
    • WebRTC



I have experience serving as a leader in many environments. I was in charge of LINE's Bug Bounty team and day to day operations. I was a squad leader in the army, I worked as a tour-guide for large groups and I was the co-founder and Vice-President of a club at my university.


Semaphore Consulting Partners ~ 2023 - present

Security consultant & Penetration tester Oslo, Norway
  • Red Team Activities
  • Offensive toolset development
  • Penetration testing
    • Physical Security
    • Social Engineering
    • Web applications
    • Mobile applications
    • Network Security
    • Infrastructure Security
    • Persistence
    • Lateral Movement

PwC AS ~ 2020 - 2023

Red team operator Oslo, Norway
  • Red Team Activities
  • Offensive toolset development
  • Penetration testing
    • Physical Security
    • Social Engineering
    • Web applications
    • Mobile applications
    • Network Security
    • Infrastructure Security
    • Persistence
    • Lateral Movement

LINE Corp. ~ 2018 - 2020

Security Engineer - Application Security Tokyo, Japan
  • Doing risk assessments, code review and pen testing
  • Focus on mobile and web applications (Partially also network & infra)
  • In charge of LINE's Bug Bounty program
  • Reduced avg. time to
    • first response by 11 hours
    • bounty awarded by more than 2 weeks
    • report was triaged by 4 days
Security Engineer - Infrastructure Protection
  • Implemented and monitored security measures for the protection of computer systems, networks and information
  • Working to harden computer systems, and maintain control over all company assets
  • Automation and analysis was a big part of my everyday tasks

Keio University ~ 2016 - 2018

Teaching Assistant - Intro to Computer Security Tokyo, Japan
  • Presented news and new research from Computer Security
  • Demonstrated common attacks & developed security challenges for the students
  • Explained details and relevance for each of these (News, Research, Demos & Challenges)

Mathy Travels ~ 2014-2016

Tour Guide Oslo, Norway
  • Planned and executed tours independently
  • Confirmed reservations and planned tour routes
  • Guiding on location and from the bus (incl. giving directions to driver)

Norwegian Armed Forces ~ 2012 - 2013

Sergeant - Military Intelligence Bardufoss, Norway
  • Squad leader for 2 squads (16 men)
  • Responsible for education, training and daily operations
  • Participated in & supported active operations & excercises within Norway

Master's of Media and Governance Cyber Informatics

Keio University SFC ~ 2016 - 2018

Major: Computer Security
GPA: 3.94
Thesis ~ Code

Bachelor's of Informatics Programming and Networks

University of Oslo ~ 2013 - 2016

Major: Computer Security

Non-Commissioned Officer UB-Jeger

The Norwegian Home Guard's NCO School ~ 2011 - 2012
  • Certified Ethical Social Engineer (Social-Engineer Inc.)Stud: #3631 ~ Certification
  • Adversary Tactics: Red Team Operations (SpecterOps)Training
  • GIAC GPEN (SANS)Score: 94% ~ Certification
  • IADC (International Advance Degree Course)Degree
  • Offensive Mobile Exploitation and ReversingTraining
  • GIAC AdvisoryBoard Member
  • KR Bygg Østfold A/SBoard Member
  • JES (Japanese, English & Sports) - University ClubCo-Founder and VP



Available upon request